Saturday, October 30, 2010

I am Covered^_^

The hijab has a meaning beyond that piece of cloth that we call the head scarf. Hijab is the entire expression of Islamic modesty: covered hair, ears and neck.It is the full embrace of our faith and the emblem of our beliefs. ``You can't live your life in terror and be scared,'' said Malika Khan, Sumiya's mother and a 53-year-old lab scientist who wears her hijab at O'Connor Hospital in San Jose. ``No, I'm not going to be intimidated by people who don't understand. Thank God I am strong in my commitment to my religion.''


Fatimah Finney
This head is wrapped in more than just cloth,
this body is covered in more than just clothes
and I am more than what you think you see in me.
I wear humility on my back,
gratitude around my neck,
and respect across my chest
because modesty is my chosen style of dress.
I am a Muslim woman
And I am not oppressed.
I am impressive.
My beauty is not measured by the length of my legs,
the width of my hips,
or the height of my heels.
Nor is my worth contained in curves of my frame
Or the style of my hair.
Who I am extends beyond my body proportions and the clothes that I wear.
I am a Muslim woman
Born of Muslim women
And my story is theirs.
We are more than what your headlines declare.
We have minds.
We have opinions.
We have intelligence.
We have ambitions.
We have our faith
And we gladly practice our religion.
As mothers, daughters, sisters, wives,
friends, students, and teachers,
we are born leaders.
And we are strong.
Yes, we choose to wear our garments long
And our heads are wrapped.
But this only adds to what is inherently in us
and what we will never allow your guidelines to define.
My beauty is mine.
So no, I am not those women on your magazines
and don’t be confused in thinking I secretly want to be.
I am a proud Muslim woman
and I prefer being  free.

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