Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pickled Eggplant

Pickled Eggplant


½ kg egg plant (small size)
3 garlic cloves
1 red hot pepper
¾ tsp salt
1 celery stick
1 TBSP lemon juice
½ cup white vinegar


- Wash eggplant and boil for 10 minutes, keep small quantity of boiled water aside.

- Smash garlic, pepper, salt, and celery properly in a mortar and pastel until paste.

- Mix lemon juice with garlic paste.

- Cut eggplant from one side longitudinally, stuff with the mixture, put in a glass jar or a pot.

- Stir the rest of the mixture with vinegar and the boiled water, season with salt and pepper. Pour the mixture over the egg plant and leave for a day in the fridge.

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